October 9, 2012
Deliverables from Phase 3 now available

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June 6, 2012
Pre-conference presentations available on seminar page!

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February 21, 2012
Tivit Future Internet pre-conference @ 3rd European Summit on the Future Internet, 30.5.2012

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Tivit Future Internet pre-conference May 30, 2012, Dipoli Espoo, Finland

Tivit Future Internet pre-conference @ 3rd European Summit on the Future Internet, 30.5.2012, Dipoli, Espoo. >> map

The Finnish national Future Internet program - which has been running from 2008 to 2012 - will organize its final seminar as a pre-conference to the 3rd European Summit on the Future Internet.

The pre-conference is open for all Future Internetters and especially for the participants of the 3rd European Summit on Future Internet.

Registration is free and open to anyone interested in Future Internet.

Thanks everyone for a great seminar! Links to the presentation slides have now been added for free downloading. Also videolinks to the presentations from 11 am onwards are available (provided by www.personaleu.com)


Keynote Speaker: Martti Mäntylä, EIT ICT Labs

"The Finnish Future Internet Program: The Why, How, and So What?"

How did it come to pass that Future Internet Program became the first SHOK program to start? How did I - an unlikely person - get mixed up with its preparation? Why did it feel a good idea at the time, and and even better idea now? Where should we go next? The keynote will give my personal view on these matters.

Chief Strategy Officer of EIT ICT Labs Martti Mäntylä is also a Professor at Aalto University. His research interests include future-generation communication and computing, where his main focus is on user-centered methods for new digital service design, and also mobile digital economy.

09:00 Opening Reijo Juvonen, NSN pdf
09:15 Keynote by Martti Mäntylä, EIT ICT Labs

WP 1 – Multipath and routing evolution
09:45 Next hop in routing - Hannu Flinck, NSN pdf
10:00 Access selection mechanisms to manage the mobile data traffic explosion - Janne Tervonen, NSN pdf

High-Performance Switching and Routing using Commodity Hardware - Nuutti Varis, Comnet, Aalto University

10:30 Break + demos & posters
WP 2 – End-to-end connectivity
11:00 Improved end-to-end connectivity for energy constrained and challenged environments - Johanna Nieminen, Nokia pdfvideo
11:15 Connecting IPv6 BT-Low Energy Sensor with Internet of Things - Johanna Nieminen, Nokia pdf video

On doubling (or more) the internet time of smart phones - Jukka Manner, Aalto/Comnet pdf video

WP 3 – Information networking

Revisiting Information Networks - Jaime Jimenez, Ericsson pdf video


Floating content - Jaime Jimenez, Ericsson pdf video


Cooperation with EU PSIRP project - Jimmy Kjällman, Ericsson pdfvideo

12:30 Lunch break + demos & posters
WP 6 – Security

Protecting Communication Networks, Devices, and their Users: Technology and Psychology - Alexey Kirichenko, F-Secure pdf video


Analysis of Static and Dynamic Properties of Programs for Identifying Malicious Ones - Orestis Kostakis, F-Secure pdf video


Understanding Online Reputation Information - Kristiina Karvonen, Aalto/HIIT pdf video

Socio-Economics cross issue

Socioeconomics of diffusion of Internet protocols - Tapio Levä, Aalto/Comnet pdf video

14:35 Break + demos & posters

Panel Is the future now?
hosted by Raimo Vuopionperä, Ericsson
>> Panel presentation pdf video

Markus Isomäki,
Senior Technology Manager at Nokia, Compatibility and Industry Collaboration
"Internet standards – successes and failures”
>> Panel presentation pdf video

Jonne Soininen, Head of Standardization Strategy at Renesas Mobile
"Internet Governance angle to Future Internet"
>> Panel presentation pdf video

Hannes Tschofenig, Senior Standardization Specialist, Nokia Siemens Networks
>> Panel presentation pdf video

Panelist bios
Markus Isomäki is a Senior Technology Manager in Nokia’s Compatibility and Industry Collaboration unit. He is responsible for IETF and related Internet protocol standards development in Nokia. His main interests at the moment include Web application performance and Internet connectivity for constrained devices. He has contributed for various Internet standards over the last 15 years, especially in the IETF. Markus has an MSc degree from Helsinki University of Technology.

Jonne Soininen is the Head of Standardization Strategy at Renesas Mobile. In his role, Jonne is responsible for standardization strategy in Renesas Mobile. In the standardization front, Jonne has been active in Thirds Generation partnership project (3GPP), the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) - in both of them in various working groups and roles. The main activities, however, have been at in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) being active especially in mobility and IP related topics, and serving in different roles in the organization. In the Internet Governance and policy front Jonne has been active in the Internet Society, the Internet Governance Forum, and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers recently have served a year term as  as the Technical Liaison Group liaison tothe ICANN board. 

Hannes Tschofenig lives in Finland and is employed by Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN). In his last 10 years of IETF involvement he has been interested in security, privacy, and emergency services.

Hannes co-chaired the IETF ECRIT working group from 2005 to early 2010. For his work in the area of IP-based emergency services he received the ‘Outstanding Vision for 112
award from the European Emergency Number Association (EENA) and later even became the co-chair of the EENA Next Generation 112 Technical Committee.? He contributed to the technical specifications developed within the National Emergency Number Association (NENA), is a contributor to the work in the ECRIT as well as the IETF GEOPRIV working group, and co-chairs the Emergency Services Workshop series. He has published several articles on emergency services, including an article on ‘Emergency Services for Internet Multimedia’ in the December 2010 edition of the IP Protocol Journal and a CACM article on ‘Security Risks in Next-Generation Emergency Services’ from November 2011.

Hannes co-chaired the IETF Provisioning of Symmetric Keys (keyprov) and the Diameter Maintenance and Extensions (dime) working groups. Currently he co-chairs the Web Authorization Protocol (OAuth) working group developing solutions for secure and privacy-friendly data sharing on the Internet. Hannes frequently gives talks about various security and privacy related topics and is a Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E) of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). As an active participant with over 40 RFCs he likes to work with others in different areas in the IETF.

Dr. Raimo Vuopionperä has 20+ years of experience working in top level Science organizations and ICT Research and Development units. In 1996 he received his Ph.D. on Theoretical Particle Physics from the University of Helsinki. Then he went to work at CERN for 1½ years. After realizing his High School dream (which was to work at CERN :-) he decided to change his field of profession to Telecommunications and joined Ericsson Finland in 1998. In spring 1999 become the Research Manager of Nomadiclab - Ericsson Research Laboratory in Finland. During his leadership period between 1999 – 2008 NomadicLab developed from almost unknown Ericsson internal laboratory to one of the biggest Ericsson Research laboratories in the Ericsson Research Global organization that is also internationally recognized research laboratory e.g. at IETF. Currently his work at Ericsson Finland focuses on setting up External R&D Collaboration efforts both for Ericsson Finland and for whole Finnish ICT Sector. Since April 2012 he is also working as the chairman of the TIVIT Board of Directors.


Closing Pauli Kuosmanen, Tivit pdf video

16:20 Thanks and goodbye Reijo Juvonen video


Demos and Posters
Access selection mechanisms to manage the mobile data traffic explosion NSN, Nokia, VTT
Connecting BT-LE capable sensors with the Internet Nokia, Aalto/CSE
Energy saving in smart phones Aalto/Comnet, CSE
Distributed M2M solution Ericsson
Security Visualization Stonesoft
High-performance SW directed packet routing Aalto/Comnet, VTT
Multipath HIP (mHIP) Aalto/HIIT
Customer edge switching Aalto/Comnet
Malware recognition automation F-Secure
NodeClustering - A fast and accurate graph-based anomaly detection algorithm F-Secure
PSIRP demo Ericsson
State of the art in botnet detection Aalto/HIIT
Finding security usability sweet spots and pitfalls TUT
Energy Efficient TCP-based Mobile Multimedia Streaming over Wi-Fi, 3G, and LTE.   Aalto/CSE
Sample Analysis System in Action F-Secure

Organizing Committee

General chair Reijo Juvonen, Nokia Siemens Networks
Kristiina Karvonen, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT/Aalto University
  Jukka Manner, COMNET/Aalto University
Local organizing chair Jani Kaarlejärvi, Tivit
Program committee Hannu Flinck, NSN
  Heikki Hämmäinen, COMNET/Aalto University
  Jaime Jiménez, Ericsson
  Alexey Kirichenko, F-Secure
  Pauli Kuosmanen, Tivit
  Johanna Nieminen, Nokia
  Raimo Vuopionperä, Ericsson

All inquiries should be directed to kristiina.karvonen[at]hiit.fi